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Middels Community Waarschuwingen willen we jou de mogelijkheid geven om informatie te delen met andere consumenten. Het gaat hierbij nadrukkelijk niet om reviews, maar om informatie rondom de betrouwbaarheid van een webwinkel. Bijvoorbeeld externe meldingen of adresgegevens die niet kloppen. Lees wat wel/niet de bedoeling is.
Scam artists. They send you incorrect, fake clothing. When you want to return, they say you need to return to china. This is not mentioned when you buy the clothing. It then costs more to return the clothing than what it actually cost. Scam artist. Many complaints about them. Please shut them down from appearing on your search engine
They deliberately send clothing in wrong size. They do this intentionally. Then you send a complaint and then they say that they have send the wrong size and you kan get 50% redcution and that you can reorder it. They say that they will send the the correct size. So in a way you are scammed. If you want to return the clothing, your have to pay 35-50 Euro to send it back. So the cost will be higher then what you have payed. BE WARNED! This is not a Dutch site (everglowing.nl or everglowingshop.com) but it is from China.
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